Document Type : Research Paper


1 Full Professor college of Humanities, Linguistics Depart. Ferdowsi University, Mashhad ,Iran

2 PhD student of linguistics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


In this article, an attempt has been made to provide a functional analysis based on Halliday's interpersonal metafunction from Dr. Mossadegh's historical speeches in the fifth and sixth terms of the National council. The purpose of this research was to determine the position of elements such as \"verbal violence\", \"flattery\", \"speaking from a position of power\" and \"definitive opinion\" in the language of this prominent figure of the pro-democracy movement in Iran. We also aimed to know that how these elements have been appeared. For this purpose, the sentences related to each of these four general categories are extracted from the book \"Dr. Mossadegh and his historical speeches\" and for each category, the subject of the sentences, tense, polarity and modality of the finite are examined and we also examined which of the main functions of the speech (giving or requesting) can be found in the in the sentences.

As a result of this research, which is descriptive – analytical, it has been determined that the criteria of verbal tyranny can be recognized as follows: 1) self-disrespect and others in speech, 2) recklessness in using language against others, 3) Inclusion of the subject of the clause (such as use of no one or impersonal subject in the position of the subject of the clause when it means every one )، 4) Considering oneself different from the common people, 5) speaking decisively (sometimes even speaking unrealistically, for example, certainly speaking about a future event, which has not happened since then until today, the Pahlavi – Mosul railway 6) arrogance in commenting, 7) using many sentences in the imperative sense، When a person feels in a position of power.

Key words: verbal tyranny, interpersonal meta function, verbal violence, flattery, speaking from a position of power, definitive opinion.

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