Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in General Linguistics, Department of Linguisics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Associate Professor of Tarbiat Modarres University


Personification is a tool that a writer uses to change the objective position of words into the subjective form. Using personification, writers show their creativity. Attributing human traits to non-human is the traditional description of personification. In this article we go beyond the limits of this definition. We hypothesized that personification is a process which is formed by many factors in a context and without considering these factors, we cannot draw right conclusions that match up with the real nature of discourse. A short-Persian story called “the mouse”, by Choobak, a famous Iranian writer, was chosen to be studied on the basis of discursive-semiotics, to show how the process of personification forms. It was assumed that discontinuance and tensive-function affect the formation of the process of personification. At last, the results confirmed our hypothesis. Furthermore, the results revealed that the process has a minimal and a maximal side. If attributing human traits is absent, personification process leads to the minimal side and if there is a tendency to attribute human traits increases, the process leads to the maximal side. This paper paves the way for giving dynamic descriptions for all literal items.


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