Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Student, Computational linguistics Tehran University

2 M.A. Student, Children ̓s and Young Adult Literature, Payame Noor University

3 Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University,


Deconstruction is critiquing the hierarchical oppositions which comprise the basis of the western ideology system; oppositions such as in / out, presence / absence. To deconstruct and opposition is to show that it is not natural and inevitable but a construction, produced by discourses that rely on it, and to show that it is construction in a work of deconstruction that seeks to dismantle it - that is, not destroy it but give it a different structure and functioning. As a mode of reading, that is a "teasing out of warring forces of signification within a text", an investigation of the tension between modes of signification, as between the performative and constative dimensions of language. Semiology is a method of reading texts, such as deconstruction, which can be employed in a myiad of approaches while treating a text. Considering that semiology is the study of signs in a discource, the current research does a semiotics reading of the young adult novel '''' through the lens of Derrida’s deconstruction, as one of the most significant poststructuralist approaches. Since a poststructuralist analysis aims to introduce possibilities of new significations in the text, the poststructuralist reading of the named text results in a new reading, opposing the dominant method of reading texts. On the one hand, Derrida agrees with Freud that the structure of experience, as that of the trace, rests on absence and distance; thus, to do a psychoanalytic treatment of the text, the present research studies the relationship between Freud’s tripartite model, id/ego/superego, and Derrida’s method of «deconstruction» in the abovementioned story, as well as the relationship between Nicolajeva’s tripartite model-children’s story, prelapsarian / carnivalesque / postlapsarian, poststructuralist semiology. Considering noticeable lack of research in the field of semiology in children’s literature in Iran for the first time, and also strategically deconstructs the relationship between poststructuralism and psychoanalysis.


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